Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Tarzan: Agony Uncle #1

Me Tarzan. Me Agony Uncle and 1970's footballer

Me Tarzan

Me Lord of Jungle and Agony Uncle. 

You need help? You come to right place. 

Lonely married man writes... 

Dear Tarzan.

I've been married for 5 years and my wife refuses to make love to me. She won't listen to my needs, and to top it all my Mother-In-Law has moved in with us. 

I'm at the end of my tether. 

Please Help! 

George, 43. London

Tarzan replies... 

Dear George

When Tarzan want Jane, Tarzan thump chest and roar like a Lion, king of beasts. She come and make Tarzan happy. If Cheetah there, Tarzan give him banana and he leave tree. 

When you see wife, thump chest and roar. Wife like that. Wife also like it when you wrestle tigers. 
If Mother there, give her banana and tell her to leave. 

If she don't go, throw her out of tree. 




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